Sprint 0: Setup Ubuntu 20.04 Server with ELK stack.
Sprint 1: Vulnerability Assessment. Security changes if required.
Sprint 2: Register related domain names to host the Lab.
Sprint 3: Install Logstash and Beats for ElasticSearch. Monitor Apache logs.
Sprint 4: First load of ocean data into elasticsearch using Logstash.
Sprint 5: Install python, transform ocean data and load into elasticsearch.
Sprint 6: Identify simple oceans data model, build load and cleanse, display in kibana.
Sprint 7: Install Kafka. Utilize / Showcase primary features. Write some code.
Sprint 8: Install Spark. Utilize / Showcase primary features. Write some code.
Sprint 9: Consider the Apache Data Lab - https://datalab.apache.org
Sprint 10: Continue...
Last updated: 30 March 2021